Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, Manchester MN

Picture of Building

Make Payment

Address & Phone

25380 State Highway 13
Manchester MN, 56007

Phone: 507-826-3425

Payment options for policyholders include:

1. Mail - Payments can be mailed directly to our office.

2. In Person - Payments can be dropped off during normal business hours including cash and check. No electronic payments are accepted in office, they must be completed online.

3. Drop Box - For after hours, a drop box is located by the front door.

4. Online - Payment using a bank account or a credit/debit card. Please see two options below for online payments.

Savings/Checking Account

This payment method is drawn from a bank account and will not incur convenience fees.

Click this link to make a Payment with Savings/Checking Account

Credit/Debit Card

Please note: a convenience fee of 3% will be added to all payments, with the minimum fee of $2.95. Payments are reviewed by our office before the payment is accepted. Partial payments are not currently accepted.

Click this link to make a Payment with Credit/Debit Card